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Create a Lockup Tranched Stream

Lockup Tranched are streams with discrete unlocks. In this guide, we will show you how to create a Lockup Tranched stream using Solidity.

This guide assumes that you have already gone through the Protocol Concepts section.


The code in this guide is not production-ready, and is implemented in a simplistic manner for the purpose of learning.

Set up a contract

Declare the Solidity version used to compile the contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.8.22;

Import the relevant symbols from @sablier/lockup:

import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { ud60x18 } from "@prb/math/src/UD60x18.sol";
import { ISablierLockup } from "@sablier/lockup/src/interfaces/ISablierLockup.sol";
import { Broker, Lockup, LockupTranched } from "@sablier/lockup/src/types/DataTypes.sol";

Create a contract called LockupTranchedStreamCreator, and declare a constant DAI of type IERC20 and a constant LOCKUP of type ISablierLockup:

contract LockupTranchedStreamCreator {
IERC20 public constant DAI = IERC20(0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574);
ISablierLockup public constant LOCKUP = ISablierLockup(0xC2Da366fD67423b500cDF4712BdB41d0995b0794);
In the code above, the contract addresses are hard-coded for demonstration purposes. However, in production, you would likely use input parameters to allow flexibility in changing the addresses.

Also, these addresses are deployed on Ethereum Sepolia. If you need to work with a different chain, Lockup addresses can be obtained from the Lockup Deployments page.

There are two create functions in the Lockup contract that can be used to create Tranched streams:

  • createWithDurationsLT: takes duration and calculates the tranche timestamps based on the provided durations.
  • createWithTimestampsLT: takes UNIX timestamps for tranches.

Which one you choose depends upon your use case. In this guide, we will use createWithDurationsLT.

Function definition

Define a function called createStream which takes two parameters, amount0 and amount1, and which returns the id of the created stream:

function createStream(uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1) public returns (uint256 streamId) {
// ...

Next, sum up the amount0 and amount1 parameters to get the total amount of the stream, which will be needed in many of the steps below:

uint256 totalAmount = amount0 + amount1;

ERC-20 steps

To create a stream, the caller must approve the creator contract to pull the tokens from the calling address's account. Then, we have to approve the Lockup contract to pull the tokens that the creator contract will be in possession of after they are transferred from the calling address (you):

// Transfer the provided amount of DAI tokens to this contract
DAI.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), totalAmount);

// Approve the Sablier contract to spend DAI
DAI.approve(address(LOCKUP), totalAmount);

For more guidance on how to approve and transfer ERC-20 tokens, see this article on the Ethereum website.


The struct associated with createWithDurationsLT are Lockup.CreateWithDurations (a shared struct across all the lockup streams) and LockupTranched.TrancheWithDuration.

Lockup.CreateWithDurations memory params;
LockupTranched.TrancheWithDuration[] memory tranches = new LockupTranched.TrancheWithDuration[](2);

Let's review each parameter in detail.

Let's review each parameter in detail.


An optional parameter that can be set in order to charge a fee as a percentage of totalAmount.

In the following example, we will leave this parameter uninitialized (i.e. set to zero), because it doesn't make sense to charge yourself a fee. In practice, this parameter will mostly be used by front-end applications. = Broker(address(0), ud60x18(0));

Wondering what's up with that ud60x18 function? It's a casting function that wraps a basic integer to the UD60x18 value type. This type is part of the math library PRBMath, which is used in Sablier for fixed-point calculations.


Boolean that indicates whether the stream will be cancelable or not.

params.cancelable = true;


The address receiving the tokens:

params.recipient = address(0xCAFE);


The address streaming the tokens, with the ability to cancel the stream:

params.sender = msg.sender;


The contract address of the ERC-20 token used for streaming. In this example, we will stream DAI:

params.token = DAI;

Total amount

The total amount of ERC-20 tokens to be paid, including the stream deposit and any potential fees, all denoted in units of the asset's decimals.

params.totalAmount = totalAmount;


Boolean that indicates whether the stream will be transferable or not.

params.transferable = true;

Tranches With Duration

Tranches are what the protocol uses to compose the discrete unlocks. For a full exposition of tranches, see the Tranches guide.

Each tranche is characterized by a specific amount and timestamp. Because we are using createWithDurationsLT in this example, these tranches are supplied to the function in the form of an array containing LockupTranched.TrancheWithDuration structs.

Let's define two dummy tranches:

params.tranches[0] = LockupTranched.TrancheWithDuration({
amount: amount0,
duration: uint40(4 weeks)
params.tranches[1] = (
amount: amount1,
duration: uint40(6 weeks)

In this example, the first tranche (amount0) will unlock at the end of the 4 weeks after the stream was created and the second tranche (amount1) will unlock after further 6 weeks. Thus, the total amount will be unlocked in 10 weeks.

Invoke the create function

With all parameters set, we can now call the createWithDurationsLT function, and assign the ID of the newly created stream to a variable:

streamId = LOCKUP.createWithDurationsLT(params, tranches);

Full code

Below you can see the full code. You can also access the code on GitHub through this link.

Lockup Tranched Stream Creator